Once we receive your order, if the item is in stock, we typically process and ship out your order within 1-2 business days. In stock items ship from our location in Washington state via USPS Priority or First Class Mail, depending on the size of the package. Tracking info will be automatically emailed to you when your order ships. If the item is out of stock or is a custom order, we will contact you, at the email address provided in your order details, to discuss options for delivery from the manufacturer's warehouse or a refund if you prefer. Items shipped from the manufacturer's warehouse are estimated to arrive in 4-6 weeks. (Add an additional 2+ weeks to estimated time of delivery for custom orders and luxury wood/carbon layer.)
Unless custom requested for exact weight matching, Bow draw weights can vary up to +/-2 pounds. Custom Exact Match requests can cause additional delivery delays if multiple attempts are required to meet the matched draw weight
We are not responsible for VAT, Customs, or other delivery fees not included in shipping/purchase costs. We have no means of assessing or confirming VAT/Customs fees and/or whether they will be applied.
[Note - Current Worldwide Shipping Delays have the average Delivery Estimate for Custom or not in stock, equipment at 8-10 Weeks for Delivery.]
Unless custom requested for exact weight matching, Bow draw weights can vary up to +/-2 pounds. Custom Exact Match requests can cause additional delivery delays if multiple attempts are required to meet the matched draw weight
We are not responsible for VAT, Customs, or other delivery fees not included in shipping/purchase costs. We have no means of assessing or confirming VAT/Customs fees and/or whether they will be applied.
[Note - Current Worldwide Shipping Delays have the average Delivery Estimate for Custom or not in stock, equipment at 8-10 Weeks for Delivery.]